Electronics, Embedded Systems, and Software are my breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
This is a topic where the information available on the internet is either nonexistent, inadequate, or incomplete. Perhaps that's because if you need to use these, you probably already know how to do so. Or perhaps you're referencing the LRM or another resource which clearly explains how to use them.
Anyway, for the uninitiated, in the VHDL hardware description language there is a way to perform dynamic memory management, an ability typically used during simulations. This can be used to implement lower level structures such as dynamically sized arrays or higher level constructs such as queues.
Here is an example of declaring a self-referential record, an access type to reference an instance of that record, and an array type of references to those records. To make things easier to relate to other languages which the reader might be more familar with, I've put the standard C++ term for a few constructs in parenthesis.
1type Record_t; -- Incomplete type ("forward") declaration
2type RecordAcc_t is access Record_t; -- Access ("pointer") type which references Record_t
3type Record_t is record -- Actual declaration of Record_t
4 Data : string;
5 NextRecord : RecordAcc_t; -- Pointer to another Record_t
6end record;
7type RecordAccArray_t is array (integer range <>) of RecordAcc_t; -- Array of pointers
8type RecordAccArrayAcc_t is access RecordAccArray_t; -- Access to an array of pointers
Allocating storage to be pointed to by a reference type is straightforward: Just use new!
1variable VarRecordAccDefault : RecordAcc_t := new;
2variable VarRecordAcc : RecordAcc_t := new Record_t'(Data => "hi", NextRecord => null);
3variable VarRecordAryAcc : RecordAccArrayAcc_t := new RecordAccArray_t(0 to 15);
There a few ways to use new:
When calling new, this dynamically allocates storage and so like other languages it's typically necessary to deallocate the storage when it's no longer needed. Be sure that no other access variable is pointing at that storage when it's deallocated, as it'll be pointing to a region of memory that may be reallocated (so it'll be garbage).
In VHDL-2017, a garbage collector is specified and so calling deallocate is not necessary to avoid memory leaks if your simulator implements that part of the spec.
This should simplify cases where the pointer may have been copied to another variable (i.e. two variables of an access type point to the same memory.
There are three ways to access the storage: By naming a sub-element, an array access ((..)), or using .all.
1report "The value of Record_t.Data is " & VarRecordAcc.Data;
2report "The length of the array is " & integer'image(VarRecordAryAcc.all'length);
3VarRecordAcc := VarRecordAryAcc(0);
Note that when using .all, predefined attributes such as 'length can be used as shown.
For the past several years I've struggled with maintaining the wordpress blog on this site. Starting 3 or 4 years ago the blog began to receive sustained stronger than usual traffic from data centers trying to post comments or just brute-forcing the admin login page. This peaked around 2021 when I finally decided to turn off all commenting functionality. This cooled things down except for requiring me to "kick" the server every few days as it ran out of file handles due to some misconfiguration on my part combined with the spam traffic.
This became annoying and I needed to find something that would be even lower maintenance. To that end, I've written my first functioning blogging software since 2006 or so. There is no dynamic content, all of it is statically rendered, and the blog content itself is stored in GitHub with updates managed using GitHub hooks. The content itself is written with ReStructured Text and I think I've created a pretty easy-to-use and low-maintenance blog platform (famous last words). Ask me in a decade if I was actually successful lol.
In addition, I've found that there are newer, cheaper AWS instances that would suit my needs. I started using this instance over 10 years ago and before I shut it down, I had an uptime of almost 2.5 years. It's truly the end of an era:
This is just a quick post, the blog isn't dead, I've just been busy. I've put together a reasonable OpenSCAD workflow that works for me and might work for others.
OpenSCAD is a 3D solid modeling program that performs computational geometry and is frequently used for describing models for 3D printing. It is a description language (and the program for compiling it) for solid shapes, procedurally generating them from primitive shapes like cubes, spheres, etc and mathematical operations such as unions and differences. Being fully text-based, it begs to live in version control and is usable through a CLI, leading to being able to be fully scripted. I started using OpenSCAD with the LED watch project and have since developed a fairly simple build system. It consists of two pieces:
I'll start with the Makefile. It's really straightforward and identical for each of my projects:
2BASEFILE=<path to top-level>.scad
4TARGETS=$(shell sed '/^module [a-z0-9_-]*\(\).*make..\?me.*$$/!d;s/module //;s/().*/.stl/' $(BASEFILE))
6all: ${TARGETS}
8.SECONDARY: $(shell echo "${TARGETS}" | sed 's/\.stl/.scad/g')
10include $(wildcard *.deps)
12%.scad: Makefile
13 printf 'use <$(BASEFILE)>\n$*();' > $@
15%.stl: %.scad
16 openscad -m make -o $@ -d $@.deps $<
In my top-level scad file, I then mark my top-level modules with a special comment:
1module Lid() { // `make` me
2 ...
The way this works is pretty straightforward. Just run "make" with no arguments:
Armed with an STL, we can now go ahead and print. Typically, I put a fully assembled version of the top-levels in the top-level instantiation (since that isn't instantiated when including the file in the target's scad file) and point OpenSCAD directly to the top-level when editing.
The only non-automated part of this which is hard to check into version control is slicing the model. However, that's typically dictated per-print (and varies with wear and tear on the printer, the filament or resin used, etc), so I'm less motivated to figure out a good way to track it.
I have several examples of this workflow on github:
There is an odd famine of information about this particular subject available in text form. If you google "usbasp tpi" and things like it, you'll find posts on the avr forums filled with incorrect information and schematics. This post is an attempt to remedy this. The information in this post should enable to you program cheap AVR microcontrollers such as the ATTiny4, ATTiny5, ATTiny9, ATTiny10, or ATTiny20 using a widely available usbasp AVR programmer.
I intend to show exactly the following, no more and no less:
A recent project required me to reuse (once again) my USB HID device driver. This is my third or fourth project using this and I had started to find it annoying to need to hand-modify a heavily-commented, self-referencing array of uint8_t's. I figured there must be a better way, so I decided to try something different.
In this post I will present a script that turns this madness, which lives in a separate file:
2 * Device descriptor
3 */
4static const USB_DATA_ALIGN uint8_t dev_descriptor[] = {
5 18, //bLength
6 1, //bDescriptorType
7 0x00, 0x02, //bcdUSB
8 0x00, //bDeviceClass (defined by interfaces)
9 0x00, //bDeviceSubClass
10 0x00, //bDeviceProtocl
12 0xc0, 0x16, //idVendor
13 0xdc, 0x05, //idProduct
14 0x11, 0x00, //bcdDevice
15 1, //iManufacturer
16 2, //iProduct
17 0, //iSerialNumber,
18 1, //bNumConfigurations
21static const USB_DATA_ALIGN uint8_t hid_report_descriptor[] = {
22 HID_SHORT(0x04, 0x00, 0xFF), //USAGE_PAGE (Vendor Defined)
23 HID_SHORT(0x08, 0x01), //USAGE (Vendor 1)
24 HID_SHORT(0xa0, 0x01), //COLLECTION (Application)
25 HID_SHORT(0x08, 0x01), // USAGE (Vendor 1)
26 HID_SHORT(0x14, 0x00), // LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0)
27 HID_SHORT(0x24, 0xFF, 0x00), //LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (0x00FF)
28 HID_SHORT(0x74, 0x08), // REPORT_SIZE (8)
29 HID_SHORT(0x94, 64), // REPORT_COUNT(64)
30 HID_SHORT(0x80, 0x02), // INPUT (Data, Var, Abs)
31 HID_SHORT(0x08, 0x01), // USAGE (Vendor 1)
32 HID_SHORT(0x90, 0x02), // OUTPUT (Data, Var, Abs)
37 * Configuration descriptor
38 */
39static const USB_DATA_ALIGN uint8_t cfg_descriptor[] = {
40 9, //bLength
41 2, //bDescriptorType
42 9 + 9 + 9 + 7 + 7, 0x00, //wTotalLength
43 1, //bNumInterfaces
44 1, //bConfigurationValue
45 0, //iConfiguration
46 0x80, //bmAttributes
47 250, //bMaxPower
49 9, //bLength
50 4, //bDescriptorType
51 0, //bInterfaceNumber
52 0, //bAlternateSetting
53 2, //bNumEndpoints
54 0x03, //bInterfaceClass (HID)
55 0x00, //bInterfaceSubClass (0: no boot)
56 0x00, //bInterfaceProtocol (0: none)
57 0, //iInterface
58 /* HID Descriptor */
59 9, //bLength
60 0x21, //bDescriptorType (HID)
61 0x11, 0x01, //bcdHID
62 0x00, //bCountryCode
63 1, //bNumDescriptors
64 0x22, //bDescriptorType (Report)
65 sizeof(hid_report_descriptor), 0x00,
67 7, //bLength
68 5, //bDescriptorType
69 0x81, //bEndpointAddress (endpoint 1 IN)
70 0x03, //bmAttributes, interrupt endpoint
71 USB_HID_ENDPOINT_SIZE, 0x00, //wMaxPacketSize,
72 10, //bInterval (10 frames)
75 7, //bLength
76 5, //bDescriptorType
77 0x02, //bEndpointAddress (endpoint 2 OUT)
78 0x03, //bmAttributes, interrupt endpoint
79 USB_HID_ENDPOINT_SIZE, 0x00, //wMaxPacketSize
80 10, //bInterval (10 frames)
82 /* INTERFACE 0 END */
85static const USB_DATA_ALIGN uint8_t lang_descriptor[] = {
86 4, //bLength
87 3, //bDescriptorType
88 0x09, 0x04 //wLANGID[0]
91static const USB_DATA_ALIGN uint8_t manuf_descriptor[] = {
92 2 + 15 * 2, //bLength
93 3, //bDescriptorType
94 'k', 0x00, //wString
95 'e', 0x00,
96 'v', 0x00,
97 'i', 0x00,
98 'n', 0x00,
99 'c', 0x00,
100 'u', 0x00,
101 'z', 0x00,
102 'n', 0x00,
103 'e', 0x00,
104 'r', 0x00,
105 '.', 0x00,
106 'c', 0x00,
107 'o', 0x00,
108 'm', 0x00
111static const USB_DATA_ALIGN uint8_t product_descriptor[] = {
112 2 + 14 * 2, //bLength
113 3, //bDescriptorType
114 'L', 0x00,
115 'E', 0x00,
116 'D', 0x00,
117 ' ', 0x00,
118 'W', 0x00,
119 'r', 0x00,
120 'i', 0x00,
121 's', 0x00,
122 't', 0x00,
123 'w', 0x00,
124 'a', 0x00,
125 't', 0x00,
126 'c', 0x00,
127 'h', 0x00
130const USBDescriptorEntry usb_descriptors[] = {
131 { 0x0100, 0x0000, sizeof(dev_descriptor), dev_descriptor },
132 { 0x0200, 0x0000, sizeof(cfg_descriptor), cfg_descriptor },
133 { 0x0300, 0x0000, sizeof(lang_descriptor), lang_descriptor },
134 { 0x0301, 0x0409, sizeof(manuf_descriptor), manuf_descriptor },
135 { 0x0302, 0x0409, sizeof(product_descriptor), product_descriptor },
136 { 0x2200, 0x0000, sizeof(hid_report_descriptor), hid_report_descriptor },
137 { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00, NULL }
Into these comment blocks which can live anywhere in the source and are somewhat more readable:
2 * <descriptor id="device" type="0x01">
3 * <length name="bLength" size="1" />
4 * <type name="bDescriptorType" size="1" />
5 * <word name="bcdUSB">0x0200</word>
6 * <byte name="bDeviceClass">0</byte>
7 * <byte name="bDeviceSubClass">0</byte>
8 * <byte name="bDeviceProtocol">0</byte>
9 * <byte name="bMaxPacketSize0">USB_CONTROL_ENDPOINT_SIZE</byte>
10 * <word name="idVendor">0x16c0</word>
11 * <word name="idProduct">0x05dc</word>
12 * <word name="bcdDevice">0x0010</word>
13 * <ref name="iManufacturer" type="0x03" refid="manufacturer" size="1" />
14 * <ref name="iProduct" type="0x03" refid="product" size="1" />
15 * <byte name="iSerialNumber">0</byte>
16 * <count name="bNumConfigurations" type="0x02" size="1" />
17 * </descriptor>
18 * <descriptor id="lang" type="0x03" first="first">
19 * <length name="bLength" size="1" />
20 * <type name="bDescriptorType" size="1" />
21 * <foreach type="0x03" unique="unique">
22 * <echo name="wLang" />
23 * </foreach>
24 * </descriptor>
25 * <descriptor id="manufacturer" type="0x03" wIndex="0x0409">
26 * <property name="wLang" size="2">0x0409</property>
27 * <length name="bLength" size="1" />
28 * <type name="bDescriptorType" size="1" />
29 * <string name="wString">kevincuzner.com</string>
30 * </descriptor>
31 * <descriptor id="product" type="0x03" wIndex="0x0409">
32 * <property name="wLang" size="2">0x0409</property>
33 * <length name="bLength" size="1" />
34 * <type name="bDescriptorType" size="1" />
35 * <string name="wString">LED Wristwatch</string>
36 * </descriptor>
37 * <descriptor id="configuration" type="0x02">
38 * <length name="bLength" size="1" />
39 * <type name="bDescriptorType" size="1" />
40 * <length name="wTotalLength" size="2" all="all" />
41 * <count name="bNumInterfaces" type="0x04" associated="associated" size="1" />
42 * <byte name="bConfigurationValue">1</byte>
43 * <byte name="iConfiguration">0</byte>
44 * <byte name="bmAttributes">0x80</byte>
45 * <byte name="bMaxPower">250</byte>
46 * <children type="0x04" />
47 * </descriptor>
48 */
51 * <include>usb_hid.h</include>
52 * <descriptor id="hid_interface" type="0x04" childof="configuration">
53 * <length name="bLength" size="1" />
54 * <type name="bDescriptorType" size="1" />
55 * <index name="bInterfaceNumber" size="1" />
56 * <byte name="bAlternateSetting">0</byte>
57 * <count name="bNumEndpoints" type="0x05" associated="associated" size="1" />
58 * <byte name="bInterfaceClass">0x03</byte>
59 * <byte name="bInterfaceSubClass">0x00</byte>
60 * <byte name="bInterfaceProtocol">0x00</byte>
61 * <byte name="iInterface">0</byte>
62 * <children type="0x21" />
63 * <children type="0x05" />
64 * </descriptor>
65 * <descriptor id="hid" type="0x21" childof="hid_interface">
66 * <length name="bLength" size="1" />
67 * <type name="bDescriptorType" size="1" />
68 * <word name="bcdHID">0x0111</word>
69 * <byte name="bCountryCode">0x00</byte>
70 * <count name="bNumDescriptors" type="0x22" size="1" associated="associated" />
71 * <foreach type="0x22" associated="associated">
72 * <echo name="bDescriptorType" />
73 * <echo name="wLength" />
74 * </foreach>
75 * </descriptor>
76 * <descriptor id="hid_in_endpoint" type="0x05" childof="hid_interface">
77 * <length name="bLength" size="1" />
78 * <type name="bDescriptorType" size="1" />
79 * <inendpoint name="bEndpointAddress" define="HID_IN_ENDPOINT" />
80 * <byte name="bmAttributes">0x03</byte>
81 * <word name="wMaxPacketSize">USB_HID_ENDPOINT_SIZE</word>
82 * <byte name="bInterval">10</byte>
83 * </descriptor>
84 * <descriptor id="hid_out_endpoint" type="0x05" childof="hid_interface">
85 * <length name="bLength" size="1" />
86 * <type name="bDescriptorType" size="1" />
87 * <outendpoint name="bEndpointAddress" define="HID_OUT_ENDPOINT" />
88 * <byte name="bmAttributes">0x03</byte>
89 * <word name="wMaxPacketSize">USB_HID_ENDPOINT_SIZE</word>
90 * <byte name="bInterval">10</byte>
91 * </descriptor>
92 * <descriptor id="hid_report" childof="hid" top="top" type="0x22" order="1" wIndexType="0x04">
93 * <hidden name="bDescriptorType" size="1">0x22</hidden>
94 * <hidden name="wLength" size="2">sizeof(hid_report)</hidden>
95 * <raw>
96 * HID_SHORT(0x04, 0x00, 0xFF), //USAGE_PAGE (Vendor Defined)
97 * HID_SHORT(0x08, 0x01), //USAGE (Vendor 1)
98 * HID_SHORT(0xa0, 0x01), //COLLECTION (Application)
99 * HID_SHORT(0x08, 0x01), // USAGE (Vendor 1)
100 * HID_SHORT(0x14, 0x00), // LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0)
101 * HID_SHORT(0x24, 0xFF, 0x00), //LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (0x00FF)
102 * HID_SHORT(0x74, 0x08), // REPORT_SIZE (8)
103 * HID_SHORT(0x94, 64), // REPORT_COUNT(64)
104 * HID_SHORT(0x80, 0x02), // INPUT (Data, Var, Abs)
105 * HID_SHORT(0x08, 0x01), // USAGE (Vendor 1)
106 * HID_SHORT(0x90, 0x02), // OUTPUT (Data, Var, Abs)
108 * </raw>
109 * </descriptor>
110 */
In most of my projects before this one I would have something like the first script shown above sitting in a file by itself, declaring a bunch of uint8_t arrays and a usb_descriptors[] table constant that would be consumed by my USB driver as it searched for USB descriptors. A header file that exposes the usb_descriptors[] table would also be found in the project. Any USB descriptor that had to be returned by the device would be found in this table. To make things more complex, descriptors like the configuration descriptor have to declare all of the device interfaces and so pieces and parts of each separate USB interface component would be interspersed inside of other descriptors.
I've been using this structure for some time after writing my first USB driver after reading through the Teensy driver. This is probably the only structural code that has made it all the way from the Teensy driver into all of my other code.
With this new script I've written there's no more need for manually computing how long a descriptor is or needing to modify the configuration descriptor every time a new interface has been added. All the parts of a descriptor are self-contained in the source file that defines a particular interface and can be easily moved around from project to project.
All the code for this post lives here:
`https://github.com/kcuzner/midi-fader <https://github.com/kcuzner/midi-fader>`__
For this Christmas I decided to do something fun with my Christmas tree: Hook it up to the internet. Visit the IoTree here (available through the 1st week of January 2019):
The complete source can be found here:
The IoTree is an interface that allows anyone to control the pattern of lights shown on the small Christmas tree on my workbench. It consists of the following components:
I'm going to go into brief detail about each of these pieces and some of the challenges I had with getting everything to work.
In my most recent project I selected an ARM Cortex-M0 microcontroller (the STM32F042). I soon realized that there is a key architectural piece missing from the Cortex-M0 which the M0+ does not have: The vector table offset register (VTOR).
I want to talk about how I overcame the lack of a VTOR to write a USB bootloader which supports a semi-safe fallback mode. The source for this post can be found here (look in the "bootloader" folder):
As my final installment for the posts about my LED Wristwatch project I wanted to write about the self-programming bootloader I made for an STM32L052 and describe how it works. So far it has shown itself to be fairly robust and I haven't had to get out my STLink to reprogram the watch for quite some time.
The main object of this bootloader is to facilitate reprogramming of the device without requiring a external programmer. There are two ways that a microcontroller can accomplish this generally:
Each of these ways has their pros and cons. Option 1 allows for the user program to use all available flash (aside from the blob size and bootstrapping code). It also might not require a relocatable interrupt vector table (something that some ARM Cortex microcontrollers lack). However, it also means that there is no recovery without using JTAG or SWD to reflash the microcontroller if you somehow mess up the switchover into the bootloader. Option 2 allows for a fairly fail-safe bootloader. The bootloader is always there, even if the user program is not working right. So long as the device provides a hardware method for entering bootloader mode, the device can always be recovered. However, Option 2 is difficult to update (you have to flash it with a special program that overwrites the bootloader), wastes unused space in the bootloader-reserved section, and also requires some features that not all microcontrollers have.
Because the STM32L052 has a large amount of flash (64K) and implements the vector-table-offset register (allowing the interrupt vector table to be relocated), I decided to go with Option 2. Example code for this post can be found here:
During my LED Wristwatch project, I decided early on that I wanted to do something different with the way my USB stuff was implemented. In the past, I have almost exclusively used libusb to talk to my devices in terms of raw bulk packets or raw setup requests. While this is ok, it isn't quite as easy to do once you cross out of the fruited plains of Linux-land into the barren desert of Windows. This project instead made the watch identify itself (enumerate) as a USB Human Interface Device (HID).
What I would like to do in this post is a step-by-step tutorial for modifying a USB device to enumerate as a human interface device. I'll start with an overview of HID, then move on to modifying the USB descriptors and setting up your device endpoints so that it sends reports, followed by a few notes on writing host software for Windows and Linux that communicates to devices using raw reports. With a little bit of work, you should be able to replace many things done exclusively with libusb with a cross-platform system that requires no drivers. Example code for this post can be found here:
One thing to note is that since I'm using my LED Watch as an example, I'm going to be extending using my API, which I describe a little bit here. The main source code files for this can be found in common/src/usb.c and common/src/usb_hid.c.
A couple years ago I wrote a post about writing a bare metal USB driver for the Teensy 3.1, which uses Freescale Kinetis K20 microcontroller. Over the past couple years I've switched over to instead using the STM32 series of microcontrollers since they are cheaper to program the "right" way (the dirt-cheap STLink v2 enables that). I almost always prefer to use the microcontroller IC by itself, rather than building around a development kit since I find that to be much more interesting.
One of my recent (or not so recent) projects was an LED Wristwatch which utilized an STM32L052. This microcontroller is optimized for low power, but contains a USB peripheral which I used for talking to the wristwatch from my PC, both for setting the time and for reflashing the firmware. This was one of my first hobby projects where I designed something without any prior breadboarding (beyond the battery charger circuit). The USB and such was all rather "cross your fingers and hope it works" and it just so happened to work without a problem.
In this post I'm going to only cover a small portion of what I learned from the USB portion of the watch. There will be a further followup on making the watch show up as a HID Device and writing a USB bootloader.
Example code for this post can be found here:
(mainly in common/src/usb.c and common/include/usb.h)
My objective here is to walk quickly through the operation of the USB Peripheral, specifically the Packet Memory Area, then talk a bit about how the USB Peripheral does transfers, and move on to how I structured my code to abstract the USB packetizing logic away from the application.